How Maple Leaf doubled their properties without increasing staff

This Seattle-based property management company more than doubled their portfolio while maintaining staff size by outsourcing fieldwork to Showdigs.
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“We couldn't have scaled the way that we did… It's a perfect union because they are using people that are in our industry. They know how to show houses.”

Kit MacPherson
Owner/Designated Broker, Maple Leaf Property Management

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When Maple Leaf partnered with Showdigs, they were able to more than double their unit count — without needing to hire additional staff.

Outsourced showings

Maple Leaf offloaded showings to our network of local, licensed, and specially trained Agents.

Improved focus

With our Showdigs Agents handling showings, property managers were able to hone in on tenant management.
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Eliminated seasonality

No matter the time of year, Maple Leaf's staff size could remain the same with Showdigs' only pay for what you use pricing model.

Increased capacity

With a more singular focus and owner satisfaction, property managers could manage more units and acquire new properties.
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