How outsourcing move-in reports improved Urban Key’s tenant relationships

After outsourcing move-in reports to Showdigs, Urban Key's tenant relationships improved, profit margins increased, and productivity skyrocketed.
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"They (Showdigs) actually went to real estate agents, licensed agents, that have fair housing training. They found people that are reputable, know the area, know the markets, and actually have a lot of housing knowledge because that's their profession."

Ty Cayce
Business Owner, Urban Key Property Management

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Urban Key's in-house inspections caused delays, inconsistency, and tenant tension. When they decided to switch to oursourcing these reports to Showdigs, they immediately noticed how this change streamlined operations and improved tenant relationships.

Increased productivity

Outsourcing move-in reports allotted more time to core tasks, like tenant applications and communication.

Improved record-keeping

Urban Key now had consistent and detailed reports for smoother move-out processes.
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Enhanced tenant experience

Using a third party allowed for transparent communication and reduced conflict.

Significant cost-savings

With variable costs per inspection based on tenant activity, using Showdigs allowed for better cost control compared to fixed staff salaries.
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