Remote revolution: How Next Brick went from 0 to 550 doors in 5 years

Next Brick scaled their portfolio at an unprecedented rate by prioritizing a remote culture, made possible by the Showdigs platform and Agent network.
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“Showdigs opened up a completely new door for us in order to accommodate showings. It helped us to change the process of how we show the properties completely.”

Wei Ma
Operations Specialist, Next Brick Property Management

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Balancing rapid growth with maintaining tenant satisfaction was a challenge for Next Brick in their early years of growth. By outsourcing showings and inspections to Showdigs, they reduced staff overwhelm, improved efficiency, and scaled their portfolio while transitioning to a remote team structure.

Optimized Processes

Showdigs' on-demand services allowed Next Brick to reduce their reliance on in-house staff, allowing the team to focus on strategic initiatives.

Enhanced Efficiency

Implementing Showdigs' automation tools and seamless integrations streamlined operations reduced manual tasks and improved overall efficiency.
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Better Hiring Practices

Through their new remote strategy, Next Brick was able to hire from to a wider pool, selecting more qualified staff without being restricted by location.

Tenant Trust

Showdigs' showings and efficient communication capabilities enhanced the tenant experience, leading to increased satisfaction and retention.
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